Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Grand Canyon

Well if Sedona was the spiritual awakening, the Grand Canyon is heaven. It is just amazing. I, personally had been here before when i was a little girl. It was when my mom and step dad took my brother and i on a road trip and one of the stops was the grand canyon. I was eight on that trip and the place had an impact on me than and stayed with me my entire life. Being here at 37 was just as moving. Being able to be here with my family was precious. We settled on a campsite about a 15-20 minutes outside the Grand Canyon, and this truely was camping as us B.Cers knew. It was chilly and campfires were something you had to work for. Rryla and Mark set out to find wood for the fire as the rest of us settled in. We set to finding the perfect hot dog stick and than to widdle it away to a point. We gathered our chairs around the flame that would become the means to our dinner and the means to our warmth for the evening. We discussed our day, relaxed and watched the stars tell their story in the night sky. We planned for the following day and watched the embers of the fire lull into the darkness of the night. We calapsed heavily apon feathered pillows to dream far into the night. Apon waking, we set out to discover the secrets of the vast Grand Canyon. The trails were abundant. We walked to several view sights, took photos, imprinted images on our souls and continued. It was inspiring, it was captivating and down right unbelievable. To stare out at this montrous crevass, that was miles deep, miles long and that held stories and fates of many travellers was not only a privallege, but an honour. Would my children remember its folds and its layers as i had as a child?. I wondered at i stared at its history.
We found a guide and learned of a program that the kids could do to earn a badge and a crest. We needed to hike a trail into the belly of the canyon and attend a seminar. We chose a trail and a seminar. The Trail was a switchback that meandered down until it reached a river. We did not go all the way down, however the distance that we covered was enough to appreciate the offerings that this canyon had. It was enough to make one feel small and vulnerable. Our children did an amazing job navigating the trail and enjoying the natural beauty that they were lucky enough to be apart of. After our hike we attended a seminar on the California Condor. We learned of it's threat of extinction, of it's importance and of the efforts to regain it's numbers. Our children learned alot that day, so did we. They got their badges and their crests, we got tattoos on our souls of this miraculous place. Will our children grow up to take their children on such a journey? We hope so.
The moon is magic and history repeats itself . We aim to teach and be taught. Lifes journey is a discovery of amazing things.
Another day unfolds
And we sleep.

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