Friday, April 30, 2010

Forgotten post

  1. OMG i forgot chicken pizza......i mean Chichen-itza! We actually went there after Cancun. See what happens when you get behind, you forget. I can't believe i forgot this actually because this part of the trip was pretty beautiful. We headed first to check out a cenote. Holly cow, it was amazing. It's hard to describe it actually. When we first arrived we payed a small fee than walked about 100meters to where some stairs went down down down into the earth. Finally you came to an opening and it was a massive open round cave, with stallagtites and stallagmites everywhere. Their was an opening in the roof no bigger than a well and the sunlight streamed in to where the water was. It was at least as big as a bball court in there. Mark and Rryla went for a swim, while the rest of us just waided in. The water was cold and murkey. Birds flew all around the ceiling and you could hear them calling to each other as it echoed about the cavern. After seeing that cenote, we looked at another one, that was a bit smaller and had a much wider opening and not much water, but still spectacular. From their we continued on to Chicken-itza. We parked at a motel that housed a hundred cats. It had a pretty good pool and again seemed abandoned, which was fine with us. It was close enought to the ruins that we could bike there. We had heard of a light show that was going on at the ruins in the nighttime. We thought we'd check it out. It turned out to be very boring, especially for the little ones, Aidan actually fell asleep, and im sure it gave Brooklyn nightmares. They really shouldn't even call it a light show because it was more of an information night and they shawn different colored lights on a pyramid while they talked (in spanish) . We did have head phones that converted it to english, but still it wasn't very great. The next day Mark and i went the the ruins together and left the kids to play in the pool. They were pretty good, although you couln't climb up any pyramids which was too bad.
  2. It was after this that we made our way to Campeche.
  3. Love to you all.

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